What Makes Me Smile 6

Photo by Miranda (sent via text)

Although our nation’s current situation is extremely sad and quite disturbing in my opinion, seeing my daughter’s passion brought light to the subject. The systemic racism in our country and world is just horrendous.

My “little” girl of 24 years old purchased materials, made signs and found local protests scheduled for the weekend. With signs in our front yard, I watch the many vehicles slow down on this major thoroughfare in our town to read them as they drive by. She turned the sadness she felt these past days into a drive to help stop this inhumanity. As she planned to attend the peaceful protest organized by the Youth Foundation Protest organization, I felt the need to protect her. I volunteered to attend with her, to support her, Black Lives Matter, and keep my protective eyes on my only child. She agreed and I was relieved that I would not need to worry about her while she was walking from Central High School to the State House.

I woke up yesterday to my dear one asking me to speak with her. She shared that she felt that it would be better if I stayed home so she would not need to worry about and protect me! Ah, how the child becomes the parent. I had to let go, to trust, let my birdling fly on her own.

This morning I awake, my heart filled with pride. For so many reasons, I smile.