Best Benefit of COVID? Grown-up kid at home!

Mother-Daughter at Franklin Park Zoo Festival of Lights 2020

Do any of you have your adult children back at home with you due to the current pandemic? This could be a small population of people I guess, but I seem to get asked if the kids are home with my husband and I a lot. One child lives in South Korea and the pandemic is keeping him there. Another lives a few miles down the road, so he’s all set. Our youngest lost her job while living in another state and came home to live when this all began, last April.

What a wonderful gift it has been! Instead of always wondering what’s she doing, if she’s okay, or how she’s feeling, I know. It is so comforting to have that knowledge and makes me happy that my husband and I have this extra time with her. I am going to treasure this gift, focus on this bright light in the shadows of all the illness and fear. I am grateful to have her energy back in the house, her singing in our ears and her smile right when I enter a room! 

At least one of our grown-up kids is home again! This is hands-down one of the best bennies of COVID!