I am a teacher.

I am a teacher.

I greet teenagers each morning with sleep in their eyes.

With hope, encouraging words and accomplishments, their faces rise.

I listen to questions, concerns and thoughts that cross each mind.

They look ahead, forward, onward and upward to seek and to find.

Watching the adults carefully for moments to ask their whys,

I answer questions after showing compassion and not with sighs.

They seek to find the answers that seem to fit,

Their hopes, dreams, and aspirations that never quit.

I hear and see their perseverance through all their tries,

As they look for acceptance which never dies.

I am a teacher.

2 thoughts on “I am a teacher.”

  1. Love this!
    Thank you for all you do, reaching every day to inspire our children. You are a phenomenal influence on my son and I couldn’t be prouder that he has you to help support him reach his goals.

    1. You are very kind, Heather. As we know, ‘it takes a village’ and parents like you who advocate for their child while supporting teachers make it so special. I appreciate all of your kindness and acknowledgement of the smaller actions throughout the year. Most parents don’t have or take the time to appreciate what teachers do. Thank you again! You have a wonderful boy!!

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